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Benji Dryden shares this from Haiti—“The devil's mad and I am glad, glory hallelujah. He lost three souls he thought he had, glory hallelujah. Shout; shout ,we're gaining ground, glory hallelujah.” We had a wonderful family conference that began on Mother's Day. A sister of one of our members was saved after the last service. F Erik and Holly Johnson report from Dominican Republic that “In May we took a day trip with the men and boys of our church. The goal was to positively encourage the young men to live for God and the older men to help by being godly examples. The group was able to visit a local waterfall, play in the river, do some horseback riding and enjoy some great ‘camp style' food. Allen Gruber and Erik gave challenges from the Word of God. We believe this trip has made a difference in many of their lives.” F Jim and Kelly Shelton share—“In Puerto Rico we have seen our folks pass out more tracts and invitations to church in the past couple of months. We have about seven new families coming now since May. There are several attending faithfully but need to know the Lord as their Saviour.” F Josh and Joy Wesson in the Dominican Republic recently reported that Stephen, their son, was given an encouraging report concerning his leukemia. Doctors said that he is now “leukemia free” and they removed his chemo pic. What a wonderful answer to prayer. F Joan Whiteheart has had hip replacement surgery. Now she has gone through the first cycle of chemo for her cancer. So far she is doing very well. She also reports that Iglesia Bautista Nueva Vida in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, had a VBS and 15 children made professions of faith. 10 Islander – No 2, 2012