Planting in
the Islands
By Pat Creed
June and I had the opportunity to attend the field conference in the Dominican
Republic in June. The preachers (Pastor Brian Lott from Lighthouse Baptist Church
in Bessemer, Pennsylvania, and Pastor Bryan Miller from Sommerset Bible Baptist
Church in Sommerset, New Jersey) were a tremendous blessing and the fellowship
with the missionaries was great.
After the field conference we spent a week with Pastor Miller, Pastor Lott, and
Pastor Tyson (of Woodlawn Baptist Church in Bowie, Maryland) as they taught
modular classes in churches for three different missionaries. It was a wonderful
time for everyone.
During our time in the Dominican Republic, we took a survey trip to the northern part
of the country. Brother Gary Sprunger has targeted a number of cities to challenge
some folks to consider as God deals with them about going to the Dominican Re-
public. There are many places with no Gospel preaching churches. The city of Puerto
Plata has 330,000 people and there are a couple of churches pastored by nationals,
but there is still a tremendous need for missionaries. Cotui has an area population
of 148,000. Nagua has an area population of 135,000. Samana has an area popula-
tion of 106,000. Sabenta has an area population of 54,000. Dajabon has an area
population of 60,000. Santiago has a city population
of 59,629. Esperanza has a city population of 47,532.
Mao has a city population of 44,226. In our travels
we found only one
independent Baptist
church and they are
looking for a pastor.
Please pray that God
would place on the
hearts of some pro-
spective missionar-
ies to consider this
area of the world.
Û Ý Brian Lott, Woodlawn Baptist Church
Bryan Miller, Sommerset Baptist Bible Church
Islander – No 2, 2012