Where in the
World is...Bahrain ?
Bahrain is the smallest and most densely
populated Arab state. The nation consists
of a group of islands off the west coast
of Saudi Arabia in the Gulf. The popula-
tion is 1, 248,348. This number includes
235,000 non-nationals who reside in the
country. Islam is the official religion and is
81% of the population. Christians are 10% and other groups including
Hindu and Buddhist combined are about 10%.
Operation World reports:
“There is more social freedom in Bahrain than in other Arab states;
alcohol is freely available and women don't have to wear the veil.
Pray that there would be more religious freedom in Bahrain. Bahrain has the largest Arab
Christian community in the Gulf states—most of whom are from other countries. No
evangelism to Muslims is allowed.”
To reach the lost souls of affluent Bahrain we need to pray for the existing Christians to be dynamic
witnesses in every way possible. Also pray for ways to give the message of Jesus to Bahrain by way of
the internet and media. Jesus died for the people of Bahrain.
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