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Teaching future church planters and their wives at BIMI Candidate School You see, for years many of us supported missionary church planters on foreign soil and did not really consider doing so here at home. Thus, today we find vast regions and areas of our own country under reached with the Gospel. We see our own nation rapidly moving towards a secular society. We have millions of Americans who want to live life only for themselves while others want to live completely free from all restraints. When I was planting churches in the United States, I would sometimes get 8 to 10 calls a month from missionaries wanting to present their ministries. I wanted all of them to come and present their burdens and call but there was simply no way I could accommodate all of them. Our new church could not support all of them. The result of not investing in USA church planting over the years is now yielding a shortage of churches who will pray and support the current missionaries God is calling to the mission field. Existing churches have mission budgets that are already maxed out and in some cases they have missionaries on waiting lists who need to be supported. The average length of time it takes for a deputation missionary to raise support in our country is growing longer. So, what is the answer to these problems? We must strengthen our homeland by planting more New Testament Baptist churches and restarting those struggling churches in decline here in the United States. I am asking pastors and churches to rethink and perhaps take some steps to reinvest a portion of their mission dollars in the evangelization of the United States by investing in our independent Baptist church planting families and men who are restarting independent Baptist churches here in America. We need churches that will financially support and pray for USA church planters and that will mobilize their memberships to assist in a new church plant in their region or help a man restarting a church by being “boots on the ground” and helping that man reach his Jerusalem. If you need help in perhaps taking a USA Missions Trip or your church would like to be involved in this type of ministry, please contact us here at BIMI. Reseeding America – Spring 2017 5