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CLAIM Being His Hands to Reach His People By Molly Heyne 6 Church planting missionaries are busy doing the Lord’s work around the world. They have prepared for ministry and spent many hours studying and praying about the work in their field—but that training often does not include trade skills. After winning and discipling a core of believers, many are ready to build or remodel a church facility but have neither the background or skills in construction nor the time to do so. That is why CLAIM (Christian Laymen Assisting International Missionaries) exists. planting missionaries, but He has given us a unique avenue through which we can reach the world. Our goal is to fully immerse ourselves in the ministry objectives of the missionary we are serving while also fulfilling his construction needs. Although most CLAIM trips are only two weeks, our family will gravitate towards longer projects and have teams of people come in phases to complete the construction. As much as possible, our entire family will participate in every project. God has called us, Chris and Molly Heyne, to join CLAIM and fulfill needs such as these. CLAIM is indispensable to missionaries because it saves them time and money by not having to contract out the whole project. We have a passion to see souls saved, just as church In addition to building or remodeling church buildings, we may also provide construction work to other ministries of the missionaries. In October 2016 we had the opportunity to come alongside a team of missionaries in Japan and remodel the front entrance of the Kansai