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At about the 16 month mark, I made a promise
to my wife. I was giving up ice cream for the
next year. What was I thinking! I believe ice
cream is truly food for the soul. It has to be
what fell from heaven for the Israelites in the
wilderness. It is the only thing that can be
used to cure any illness (ok, maybe just the
pouty, sad, or frowning face). If you have ever
tried Tillamook ice cream, then you know the
power of this silky smooth and creamy food
group. Anyway, I was giving it up. I needed to
lose those extra pounds that I was warned of
at the beginning of deputation. I had to bring
my body into subjection. I had to submit so I
would be able to fulfill the work to which God
had called me.

It was not easy to quit eating ice cream. I think I
may have even had cold sweats and withdrawal
symptoms after the first couple weeks. There
were many times over the last year that I
wanted to give in and have just one spoonful.

However, my family was there to remind me
of my promise. They were there to encourage
me to keep up the good work. They were there
to lift me up when I was just about to cave
in. For me to bring my body into subjection
concerning ice cream, I had to believe the
promises of God that He would provide my
needs (NO, ice cream is evidently not a need)
and would sustain me. 1 Thessalonians 5:24
says, Faithful is he that calleth you, who also
will do it. I also had to believe that my family
would be there to encourage me to “keep on
keeping on.”
If we are to bring our lives into subjection to
what God has for us, then we need to do these
same things. We need to believe that GOD will
sustain us and provide our every need. Even
when it seems there is no way ahead, if we
are in subjection, we will see God open OUR
Red Sea. Also, we need to have faith in those
around us to do their part to encourage us and
be there when we need a shoulder to lean on.

Moses had Aaron and Hur, and God has given
us each other. Just as Galatians 6:10 says, As we
have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto
all men, especially unto them who are of the
household of faith, let us be an encouragement
to one another as we each bring ourselves into
submission to God. W
Number 1, 2018