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Green also in his work referenced
Sir Isaac Newton (1642–1727). “Sir
Isaac Newton was a distinguished Eng-
lish mathematician, physicist, astrono-
mer, chemist, and theologian. Newton
is considered by many to be the great-
est and most influential scientist who
ever lived.”
Newton wrote the following:
“Gravity explains the motions of the
planets, but it cannot explain who set
the planets in motion. God governs all
things and knows all that is or can be
done.” 2
Great scientists before Darwin had
no problem with believing God while
researching the universe. In their minds,
they were simply studying the designed
world and its Designer. Albert Einstein
made the comment, “I want to know
God’s thoughts, the rest are details.”
Charles Darwin had no more edu-
cation than a bachelor’s degree from
Christ’s College, Cambridge, and was
nothing more than an amateur natural-
ist. He followed some of the greatest,
most educated, and brilliant scientists
of all time with his “ape theory.” Such
a ridiculous concept was quickly em-
braced by a world hungry for any alter-
native to God.

Darwin’s theory has never been
any more than that—a theory or
fake science; yet, the news media of
Darwin’s day, casting aside such minds
as Bacon, Newton, and others, spoke
of evolution as if all doubts had been
resolved. They instantly embraced
his ideas of natural selection as an
alternative to God.

Darwin’s theory was so presented
and publicized as science that even
some theologians, fearing their belief
in God and the Bible would appear
archaic, tried to forge evolution with
the Bible as “theistic evolution.” His
theory proposed that the whole human
scene was in a constant state of change
from one species to another.

Green cites the words of atheist
Fred Hoyle, British mathematician and
cosmologist: The chance that
higher life forms
might have emerged
in this way is
comparable to
the chance that a
tornado sweeping
through a junkyard
might assemble
a Boeing 747 from
the materials
therein. 3
Could the blood of 50 million
slaughtered unborn babies in the
United States find its origin in
Darwin’s hypothesis?
In one sense, there is a truth about
Darwin’s evolution. His erroneous
ideas have evolved into humanism and
atheism and have become the basis of
all denial of God. Even abortion has its
roots in Darwin’s theory, for if a man
is nothing more than an animal, it is
not so great a crime to kill him. Could
the blood of 50 million slaughtered
unborn babies in the United States find
its origin in Darwin’s hypothesis?
Ibid., 52.

Ibid., 64.

2 3