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Some have suggested that Hitler’s
ideas about race and racial struggle
were derived from the theories of
Charles Darwin, either directly or indi-
rectly, and that they initiated the Holo-
caust. Darwin concluded:
With savages, the weak in body or
mind are soon eliminated; and those
that survive commonly exhibit a vigor-
ous state of health. We civilized men,
on the other hand, do our utmost to
check the process of elimination; we
build asylums for the imbe-
cile, the maimed, and the
sick; we institute poor-laws;
and our medical men exert
their utmost skill to save the
life of every one to the last
moment.... Thus the weak
members of civilized societ-
ies propagate their kind.

No one who has attended
to the breeding of domestic
animals will doubt that this
must be highly injurious to
the race of igno-
rant as to allow his worst
animals to breed....

At some future period...the
civilized races of man will almost
certainly exterminate and replace
throughout the world the savage races.

― Charles Darwin,
The Descent of Man
On natural selection, Hitler stated
the following:
Nature is
always teach-
ing us that she
is governed by
the principle of
selection: that
victory is to the
strong and the
weak must go
to the wall....

A people that
cannot assert
itself must
disappear and
another must take its place.

All creation is subject to this law;
no one can avoid it.”
(Speech 1944)
Terms such as
superior race, lower
human types, pol-
lution of the race,
and the word evolu-
tion itself (Entwick-
lung) were often
used by Hitler and
other Nazi leaders.

In Germany,
Charles Darwin
found quick acceptance of his theory
after the publication of Origin of the
Species in November 1859. By 1863,
German scientists were promoting Dar-
win’s philosophy. At the 1863 National
Conference of German Scientists, Er-
nest Haeckel of the University of Jena
led the debate promoting Darwin’s
ideas. Karl A. Schleunes, 1990, ‎History
books?isbn=0252061470 Hence, the general public at-
mosphere was set for a Hitler who
would embrace the national thinking
of a superior and weaker race. Dar-
win’s influence on Hitler, perhaps
indirectly, played a major role in the
thinking that led to World War II and
the sacrifice of 40 million lives.

Darwin was perceived as a gen-
tle man and not one who would ever
advocate genocide. However, his
depraved conclusions would be the
stepping-stones to Auschwitz.

Creation needs no defense. The
principle of cause and effect demand
a Creator and a Designer. Every leaf,
every heartbeat, every turn of the earth,
every faculty of the human body—
seeing, hearing, breathing, walking—
all demand design, design everywhere
in all living things. Creation needs no
defense but not so with evolution with
its box of bones and fake science. Only
evolution needs debating.

The king is naked!!!
Charles Darwin will have a lot to
answer for in eternity.

Beautiful Shrewsbury has
a blotch on its fabulous
history—Charles Darwin.

For every house is builded by some
man; but he that built all things is God
(Hebrews 3:4).

Keep that which is committed to
thy trust, avoiding profane and vain
babblings, and oppositions of science
falsely so called (1 Timothy 6:20).

Second Encounter with
Charles Darwin —
Ushuaia, the
“End of the World”
My footprints again crossed with
those of Charles Darwin 8,000 miles
from Shrewsbury, England—Ushua-
ia, Argentina. Ushuaia is the capital
city of Tierra del Fuego Province,
Argentina. The area is located near the
bottom of the earth and known as the
“End of the World.” It is the most dis-
tant place on earth where people live.