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Dr. Robert Meyer – CB Staff 1993 ~ 2018, Teacher and Choir Director
Missionary to Australia, Southeast Asia Director, SEA Director Emeritus
When Brother Gerry Baughman asked me to be in charge of the music for CAMP BIMI 1993, I was so
grateful to do so as it gave me an opportunity to use my conducting skills for which I had trained in college.

It is always an exciting time when we meet for Orientation on Saturday. The students find themselves with a
group of people they have never met before unless they came with a friend or family member. Students come
from several states, Canada and sometimes other foreign countries. They are wide-eyed with an expression
of wonder on their countenance. At first, they are cautious as they try to navigate whether to laugh or not
at our jokes. I use the chorus, “If you’re saved and you know it clap your hands...tap your a smile
and finally SING AMEN!” The result is instant harmony (most of the time), and we will mold into a choir. The students
who can are given an opportunity to sing solos, play an instrument or read a poem they have written about missions.

Throughout the next seven days, it is amazing the information that is shared with students who are seeking the Will
of God for their lives in giving out the glorious Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. It has been a privilege to be a part
of this unique training school. I personally thank the Lord for the Baughmans and their leadership in this effort.

Tony Bulawa – CB Staff
Missionary to Québec, USA Church Planter in Arizona , BIMI Far North Director
Jesus had only one prayer request: “Pray you therefore the Lord of the Harvest that He will send forth
laborers into His harvest.” (Matthew 9:38) The need for laborers in the Lord’s harvest fields has not
diminished since the day Jesus spoke this prayer request. I’ve never met a serious Christian who wasn’t
praying for more laborers.

One of the things I enjoy most about being a part of the CAMP BIMI staff is that it gives me opportunity to ‘put feet
to my prayers for laborers’. I believe the emphasis of helping students realize that it is just as important and okay to
know that the Lord is sending you, as to know that He is not. This is both vital and biblical. Remember, the Lord’s
Prayer Request is that we pray that He would send forth laborers. Too many ‘go forth’, not being ‘sent forth’ by the
Lord, and end up not continuing in missionary service. Knowing that you are where the Lord has sent you will
help you stay. CAMP BIMI provides an excellent atmosphere for those who are serious about discerning the Lord’s
Will in this matter.

For those who are being sent forth by the Lord, CAMP BIMI also provides a great opportunity to prepare for a
lifetime of missionary service. This fulfills another biblical mandate given in II Timothy 2:2, “…teaching others who
will teach others.” In my experience, CAMP BIMI models this verse.

Finally, as a pastor, I am excited that my time at CAMP BIMI allows awesome opportunities to partner in ministry
with alumni who are heading to the mission field. When CAMP BIMI alumni attend our mission conferences, our
church is able to see, in a tangible way, that their investment in CAMP BIMI is certainly a worthy one.

Putting feet to our prayers for laborers, having part in preparing the laborers, and eventually partnering with numbers
of those laborers through our church’s missions program, helps our church fulfill the Great Commission. These are
some of the reasons why I count it a privilege to be a part of the CAMP BIMI staff, teaching classes and teaching-
training Media Presentation Workshop to CB IIs since 2009 and often with my wife, Paula.