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by David Snyder
One of the BIMI ministries God has
used tremendously during our history is
Camp BIMI. This ministry began in the hearts
of Gerry and Diane Baughman and became a
reality with the first Camp BIMI, July 5–10,
1993. Soon after Camp BIMI began, the
Baughmans started a companion ministry
called Student Missionary Apprenticeship
Reality Training (SMART). This ministry
gave Camp BIMI alumni the opportunity to take a short-
term missions trip to experience the mission field firsthand.

David & Barb Snyd
er with
Gerry & Diane Baug
hman I have often heard Dr. Baughman talk about the “Three I’s” of Camp BIMI—Information,
Influence, and Inspiration. Students receive an incredible amount of information about missions
from experienced missionaries. Those missionaries (comprised mainly of BIMI Field Directors)
not only teach the students but also seek to influence them to do God’s will—whether or not that
includes becoming a full-time missionary. Finally, the atmosphere of Camp BIMI inspires students
to find where they fit in missions and to fulfill their role as laborers in God’s harvest field.

Eric Bohman
For 25 years (1993–2018) the Baughmans informed, influenced, and inspired 1,027
Camp BIMI students, who often affectionately referred to the Baughmans as Bro. B
and Mrs. B. A few years prior to 2018, Bro. B and I began to talk about who would
follow him as the Director of Camp BIMI. After much prayer and consideration, it was
determined that the Lord would have me to become the next Camp BIMI Director with
the help of two Assistant Directors, Eric Bohman (BIMI Africa Director) and Steven
Maldoff (BIMI Southeast Asia Director). As the Baughmans closed out 2½ decades of
faithful service as Camp BIMI and SMART Directors, the baton was passed to Brother
Bohman, Brother Maldoff, and me on June 29, 2018.

Twenty-seven years and counting—Counting on Christ! Please pray for the Baughmans
as they continue to encourage Camp BIMI alumni, speak in colleges,
preach in mission conferences, promote Camp BIMI, and—in
short—help Christians find where they fit in missions. Also,
please pray for Eric Bohman, Steven Maldoff, and me as
Steven Maldoff
we continue to build on the wonderful foundation laid
by Bro. & Mrs. B. We are thankful for the rich history of Camp
BIMI and SMART, and we are looking to the Lord for even greater
things in the future. We are counting on Christ as we inform,
influence, and inspire Christians of all ages concerning worldwide
evangelization and help them find where they fit in missions. W
10 Number 2, 2020

(It’s Not the Insurance Office of BIMI!)
When approached about the ministry of CLAIM,
some have asked if it is the Insurance Department
of BIMI. No, it is not. The acronym CLAIM stands
for Christian Laymen Assisting International
Missionaries. This brainchild of BIMI Missionary
Gerry Baughman became a concrete, tangible
way for God’s people to involve themselves in
missions by using their time, talents, and skills to
serve missionaries around the world in a personal
and practical manner. Clayton Shumpert did an
excellent job as CLAIM’s first director from the
beginning in 1993 until January 2000 when Carl
Vonnoh received the privilege to lead this outreach.

By Carl Vonnoh
desires to see people saved. With that said, from
2010 to 2019 there were 221 CLAIM mission
trips. As a result of these trips, 22,608 professions
of faith were made. We saw the Holy Spirit claim
souls for the Savior. There were also decisions
made by Christians as Team Leaders preached
in churches around the world. Does CLAIM
pay off in eternal dividends? Oh, yes! We also
have seen new churches established with the help
of CLAIM. There have been men and women
surrender to missions who are on the field today
because of CLAIM.

Consider the following testimony that could have
The last ten years of CLAIM are the focus of very well been your testimony. Sharon Spalding
this article. Our projects have included Bible from Dryden, Ontario, Canada, writes the
distribution, construction, engineering, evangelism, following:
medical missions, Vacation Bible Schools, vehicle
I praise God for the opportunity I had
mechanics, welding, and various labor of love
to come on the trip with you to Senegal. It
projects. These trips have taken CLAIM teams to
was a 35-year desire that God fulfilled and I
all of the continents of the world except Antarctica.

praise Him for that. The trip was everything I
CLAIM Team Leaders do a superb job in leading
expected and more. The fellowship with God’s
both skilled and unskilled workers as they minister
people and the time in the mornings when we
to others. There is something for all to do.

shared God’s Word and had time to talk with
With all of these trips, the project itself is not our Josh about the work were such blessings. God
final goal. These opportunities afford privileges to worked in my life in respect to how I viewed
share the Gospel. Our goal is to assist missionaries Muslims and the GREAT need there. I left part
in the Great Commission. We want to see people of my heart there with the kids and came home
saved, baptized, and growing in the grace and with a sense of discontentment in the fact that
knowledge of Christ. All of our witnessing is my life will never be the same. At this point,
through the local church. It is our desire to enhance I am not sure exactly what the Lord wants
and help the church ministries of the missionaries me to do, but this I know—I had considered
and the nationals. We are constantly aware that spending winters as a snowbird in Arizona in
the local church is the foundation for ministries— the future and that is off the table for me. My
including CLAIM. We are a Helps Ministry to assist travels will be with purpose for the Lord.

churches in their outreach with the Gospel message.

When we report the number of trips and Pray, give, and go on a CLAIM missions trip,
professions of faith, it is to God’s glory and not ours. and let God use you and work in your heart for
This reporting is to gauge our effectiveness and to missions around the world! Please contact us and
encourage others to get involved in a ministry that get involved with the CLAIM Ministry. W