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It Has Been An
Amazing Journey
By Doug Sisson
When my wife, Becky, and I surrendered to come
Prayer Meeting — Two years ago we started our
to the Philippines in 1994, we never dreamed
Men’s Wednesday Morning Prayer Meeting at 6
how God would guide and bless. Many things
a.m. It is amazing how God’s blessings have been
have happened that a dream could never explain.

on our church ever since. I have asked our men
We want to be very careful not to
to pray about three impossible
take any glory. I tell our people
things and problems or a person
here often that God shared His
who seems impossible to bring to
Son with the whole world, but
Christ. Through this, we have seen
He will not share His glory with
God bless our church like never
anyone. We left America almost
before. We have had about 30 lost
26 years ago with four small
men to attend the prayer meeting
children. They are all married
before they ever came to a church
now. Three live in the Philippines
service. Many have been saved and
Doug & Becky Sisson
and one in America. We did not
now attend church faithfully with
know how God would lead or bless. If we had
their families. Many churches want to be known
to do it over again, we would do it over and over
as a Preaching church, Singing church, Growing
again a thousand times. We were cautioned
church, or a Soul-winning church. All of these
about coming to General Santos in Southern
are good and we do these things, but I would
Mindanao because of the rebel problems. We
rather we be known as a Praying church because
now feel it is the greatest place on earth.

God blesses nothing like He blesses prayer.