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By Tony Bulawa
fewer Canadians under 40 claim religion is
The world is coming to Canada. In fact,
important to them than those over 40, this in
Canada is the only Western country to make
a country where religious affiliation has been
the top-twenty list of most diverse countries
on the decline across all demographics for well
in the world. Current statistics show that
over a decade. Nearly half of all Canadians
slightly more than eight million immigrants
say they seldom (24 percent) or
with permanent residence status
never (25 percent) go to church
or roughly 21.5 percent of the
or attend some type of worship
population of Canada was born
service. This should cause serious
outside the country. The Greater
concern for those of us who have
Toronto Area alone (Canada’s
been given the task of carrying
largest metroplex) is comprised
out the Great Commission. When
of 250 ethnicities, speaking 170
one considers that this statistic
languages. There are also 16
puts Canada at the top of the list
countries that have over 50,000
Paula & Tony Bulawa of 106 countries surveyed for the
people represented in this region.
“age gap in religion” around the world, it is
Some of these topics have been covered in other
even more troubling.
BIMI World magazines. The purpose of this
article is to take a closer look at this population
Those are a lot of statistics, but let us consider
and the demographic of those 25 and younger.
one more. Of the nearly 50 percent of Canada’s
A sampling of 10 of Canada’s largest
metroplexes reveals that nearly 50 percent
of the population is under 40 years of age in
those areas. This number is important because
a Pew Research Center Study lists Canada as
having the largest gap between people under
40 not identifying with a religion as opposed
to those over 40. Specifically, 28 percent
Number 2, 2022
population in its largest metroplexes that are
under 40, roughly 30 percent of this group is 25
or younger. This group is known as Generation
Z. While Millennials still seem to be center stage
and the focus of a majority of conversations on
the different generations, Generation Z goes
mostly unnoticed. It is almost as if the world is
so fixated on Millennials and what they are or