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countries living in the Greater Toronto
Area. The potential labor force for the
cause of the Gospel from this group of
1.9 million plus is exciting! This small
sampling could make a major impact
on Canada with the Gospel as well as
influence their birth lands in incredible
ways. Think of the ability to reach the
future leaders of our churches and
missions from places such as India,
China, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Hong
Kong, Poland, Vietnam, and more, all
in one city. This generation is coming to
an age where they are ready to receive
the Gospel and act upon it. They are at
an age where they can understand and
believe the Gospel as well as activate
their new faith by surrendering to be
discipled and trained to reach others
not only in Canada but also in places
we would have a difficult time gaining
access to because of geopolitical
conflicts. But unless we begin now to
purposely target Generation Z with the
Gospel, they will remain the forgotten
generation and more than their
potential to impact Canada and the
world with the Gospel will be lost, they
too will be lost. May the Lord help us to
reach every generation with the Gospel
while He gives us a space of grace in
which to labor for Him. Ask yourself
“What am I doing for the cause of
Christ to ensure there is no such thing
as a forgotten generation?” If the Lord
is calling you to missions in Canada or
another place in the Far North, BIMI
stands ready to assist you and your
local church in answering this call. W
most-and-least-culturally-diverse-countries-in-the- world/
canada/#dossierKeyfigures 3
multicultural-is-Toronto-Let-us-count-the-way 4 Source: Statistics Canada, based on the 2021
Canadian census
gap-in-religion-around-the-world/ 6
about-religion-in-canada/ 7 Source: Statistics Canada, based on the 2021
Canadian census