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Deputation from
My Perspective
by Jamie Bradley
As the wife of a BIMI missionary, I wear many hats: wife to Alan Bradley
since 2007; mother to Lila (11), Mollie (7), and James (6); and teacher to all
three. The Lord has called my family to New York City, which allows me to
also be called a missionary. I really do not feel worthy for the task He has
entrusted to me. When my sweet husband submitted to the Lord’s call on
our lives, it was not a surprise. The Lord had been dealing with me in His
own way preparing my heart for His will.
Since then, we have joined BIMI by the grace of the Lord. Taking that leap
of faith we call full-time deputation is not easy at first—selling our home,
saying goodbye to friends, traveling wherever my husband says for that
week, trying to decide how much stuff we can put in the van and how much is too much, packing
for me and three others and having one day to do a week’s laundry for a family of five! All this can
seem very overwhelming, but I can say confidently that God is so good to me. He gives me peace
when life is hectic. He shows me grace when I do not respond with love. He gives patience when I
have none left. I have learned to lean on Him more.
Going to new churches with small children is an adventure. These little people have personalities
all their own. Sometimes they are shy and other times they will shake every person’s hand. When
we walk into a new church, I remember 1 Thessalonians 5:17—Pray without ceasing. And as the
mother of those children, I cannot stop praying that they will be on their best behavior.
Homeschooling on the road is not easy. I learned that waiting to get to the hotel or Prophet’s
Chamber was better than trying to teach while riding down the road. It is important to do what
is best for our children. At first, I was afraid of
putting someone out and putting my children’s
needs last. I am their mother. It is my job to
put them first. I have found in my experiences
most people do not mind and they respect my
children’s schooling time.
When the Lord called my husband, He called
me too as his spouse. My husband always says,
“You are never going to do something great for
the Lord on accident.” On purpose I had to read
the Word to prepare and on purpose pray for
guidance. It is hard to practice this while being
a wife and raising children on the whirlwind of
deputation! I had to read God’s Word to prepare
and pray for guidance. God is good and will be
faithful to you as He has been faithful to us. W
Alan & Jamie Bradley & family
Number 2, 2022