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bring in a new crowd. Sometimes these leaders
will compromise on their doctrinal stances
to keep some of that new crowd coming each
week. We wanted a board that would not
only hold us accountable but also would be
held accountable themselves when it comes
to compromise. Many things about the local
church are not scriptural and can be changed
with the blink of an eye. Puzzling enough, it
is those things that often cause the most issues
within a church. However, if someone starts
preaching a new gospel, we have an issue! BIMI
church planters are held accountable before
God and to the Mission for what they preach.

My standards are the same as BIMI’s: the Bible
version I use, if I have ever been divorced, how
we dress in and away from church, and the type
of music we listen to. These are all important
issues to us, and they are important to BIMI.

For us “Why BIMI?” was easy after seeking
the guidance of God. There were no concerns
with current practices and no doubts about
beliefs and convictions. Every missionary no
matter where he is geographically still adheres
to the same policies and the same doctrinal
statements and still serves the same God and
points to the same Jesus while walking in the
God-proven Old Paths. W
I absolutely love the fact that as a missionary
on deputation calling and emailing pastors,
once I tell them I am with BIMI, I have just
told them everything about me doctrinally.

Home with the Lord
Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints (Psalm 116:15).

Roger Blevins
(68) went Home to be
with the Lord on Thursday, April
14, 2022. Roger and his wife, Kay,
joined BIMI in 1979 and served in
Spain until 1997. Roger established
a church and a Bible institute while
in Spain. In 1997, the Blevins
moved back to the United States
and worked with Hispanics near
Atlanta, Georgia. BIMI asked Roger to become
the South America Director in 2007. He served
in this capacity until 2020 when his Missionary
Status was changed to ARM (Assistance and
Relief Missionary).

In 2008, a tragic accident nearly took Roger’s
life. The doctors said he had “a less than one
percent chance of survival.” He miraculously
survived his injuries and continued to serve
the Lord but now from a wheelchair. When
many would have given up, Roger steadfastly
served his Lord, making trips to South
America to be an encouragement to the South
America missionaries. Please be praying for
the Blevins family.

William (Bill) Craig (73) went Home
to be with the Lord unexpectedly from a heart
attack on Thursday, February 24,
2022. Bill and his wife, Terry,
were approved as missionaries
with BIMI in July 1974. They
arrived in Japan in 1976 with
their two natural children. They
adopted their first child in 1978
and over the years, they adopted
20 children. Bill was committed to the Lord’s
leading and to the work in Japan. He and his
sons started several churches in the farming
communities. Theirs has been a unique
ministry in a place that is one of the most
difficult to minister.

Number 2, 2022