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INC., was founded in 1960 as an independent
Baptist faith mission. BIMI is a fundamental
mission agency, true to the Word of God in
doctrine and method. The purpose of BIMI
is to assist fundamental Baptist churches in
fulfilling our Lord’s command to evangelize
the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Our objectives are to establish indigenous
Baptist churches and train national pastors and
leaders. There are over 800 missionaries with
BIMI working in 100 fields of the world.

Mike Norris, Chairman; Rodney Kelley,
Vice Chairman; David Snyder, President;
J.B. Godfrey, Vice President; James Butler,
Corporate Secretary; Michael Edwards,
Treasurer; Joel Bixler, Andy Bloom, John
Collier, Michael Creed, Nathan Deatrick,
Chris Edwards, Bill Egerdahl, Dale Freeman,
David Gamble, John Godfrey Jr., John
Godfrey Sr., C.O. Grinstead, John Herdman,
Tad Marshall, Dean Miller, David Mims,
James Ray, Don Sisk, Rusty Smith, Tom
David Snyder, General Director; JB Godfrey,
Executive Director; James Butler, International
Office Director; Doug Cunningham,
Comptroller; Bryan Baggett, Military; Jeff
Bassett, Enrichment; Eric Bohman, Africa;
Alan Brooks, Assistant Southeast Asia; Tony
Bulawa, Far North; Dan DeLong, Candidate,
Deputation; Bob Green, Aviation; David
Harris, Far East; Ed Hembree, Europe; Terry
Jones, Central America; Robert Larson, USA;
Jim Lilley, Estate Planning; Sean Lunday, South
America; Steven Maldoff, Southeast Asia;
Jason Ritchie, Camp BIMI; Gary Sprunger,
Caribbean; Carl Vonnoh, CLAIM
REPRESENTATIVES Gailen Abbett, Jeff Alverson, Bob Green, Mark
Logan, James Ray
STAFF Ken Catoe, Printing Services; Kevin Wnuk,
Computer Services
BIMI World
David Snyder, Executive Editor; Ken Catoe,
Editor; Jonathan Bergen, Designer; Field
Editors: Eric Bohman, Africa; Alan Brooks,
Southeast Asia; Tony Bulawa, Far North;
David Harris, Far East; Stuart Jellison, Military;
Ed Johnson, Brazil; Robert Larson, USA; Mark
Lockhart, Central America; Gary Sprunger,
Caribbean; Donald Thatcher, Europe; Clint
Vernoy, South America
Official Publication of
Baptist International Missions, Inc.

All Scripture quotations are from the KJV.

Mailing Address:
PO Box 9 - Harrison, TN 37341
Shipping Address:
8614 Harrison Bay Road - Harrison, TN
37341 Phone: (423) 344-5050 / Fax: (423) 344-4774 /
The plural aspect of our earthly service brings to mind send-
ing churches, supporting churches, mission agencies, and,
of course, missionaries all working together. As each of us is
giving our earthly service individually, the Great Commission
is being accomplished corporately. None of us live on an island
unto ourselves. Oh, how important it is to think of others who
are giving their earthly service as we are giving our earthly ser-
vice, allowing us to glorify our eternal Savior together. We are
members of the same team—The Great Commission Team.

Second, I would like to discuss how the word our relates to the
eternal Savior, Jesus Christ. The possessive aspect of our eter-
nal Savior is very personal because it is possessive. Knowing
Christ as my Savior allows me to say that He is my Savior. Jesus
knows me and I am His. He chose me from the foundation of
the world, bought me with His blood, forgave me all my sin,
and reconciled me to the heavenly Father. Jesus is interceding
for me at the Father’s right hand, abiding with me on earth,
and preparing a place for me in heaven. My Savior knows my
name, the number of hairs on my head, and every one of my
needs. The Lord is doing a work in me to conform me to His
image, and He is doing a work through me to accomplish His
will during my time on earth. Jesus Christ is my best friend—a
friend Who is seeking an ever-deepening relationship. There-
fore, it is an amazing privilege to work side by side with my
personal Savior while I am here on earth, knowing that I will
be in His presence for all eternity in heaven.

Finally, the plural aspect to our eternal Savior emphasizes
that He is not just my Savior, but He is the Savior of anyone
who calls upon Him for salvation. This means that those of us
who are saved have many spiritual brothers and sisters. It also
means that as the eternal Savior, Christ desires all mankind to
receive Him personally so they can abide with Him eternally.

Jesus is not willing that any should perish, but that all should
come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9). This truth reminds us of our
responsibility to go into all the world, and preach the gospel to
every creature (Mark 16:15). It is indeed our earthly service to
tell others about our eternal Savior.

The two ours of BIMI’s annual theme may be small words but
they are big reminders of the privilege we have to give our
earthly service to our eternal Savior. As we give Him our ser-
vice on earth, we honor Him in heaven. By proclaiming His
desire for all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of
the truth (1 Timothy 2:4), we give others the opportunity to be
saved. This enables them to personally know our eternal Savior
and give Him their earthly service. W
BIMI Canada:
100 Ridgewood Ave. - Guelph, ON N1H 6C5
519-265-1950 Number 2, 2022