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Saundra Wang
Saundra and her husband Victor became
part of the BIMI family in 1977.

Victor was born in Norway, and
as a young man came to America
to live. He met and married
Saundra, who was an American, and after
their conversion, they had a great burden for
the Norwegian people. They joined BIMI and
after deputation they served as missionaries in
the city of Oslo. Victor went to be with the Lord
in 1991, but Saundra remained in Norway with
her children.

Although the spread of the Gospel was stifled
by the powerful influence of the Lutheran state
church, Saundra was able to have a Bible club
consistently in her home. She retired in 2004
and went to be with the Lord in 2022 and is
buried in Norway next to her husband, Victor.

Memorial Gifts have been received in memory of
Clara Staggs
John Wright
Steven Beverly
Robert Henk
Nancy Dunn
Janie Breedwell
Robbin Demarest
Sylvia Vild
John Belanger
Claudia Phillips
Roy Copeland
William Godfrey
Barry Kilmore
R. Heckert
Glenn McNaughton
Dorothy Billow
Dorothy Hawkins
Don Dunn
Audra LaNell Smith
Wilma Watson
Bill Ellis
Patricia Zimmerman
John Zimmerman
Bertha Baker
Sarah Plyler
Tom Kane
Rebecca Ellis
Coy Henderson
Lois Robinson
Harry Beard
Janet Thomas
Gary Debiasi
Jeannie Ahrens
Bonnie Lugo
Mildred Jones
Charlene Robinson
Brenda Godfrey
Joan Whiteheart
Roy Ackerle
Joan Moyer
by Batavia Baptist Church, AR
Donald Morgan by Bible Baptist Church, PA
by Bible Baptist Church, PA
David Strader by Patricia Henderson
by Bible Baptist Church, PA
Harry Boles by Patricia Henderson
by Bible Baptist Church, PA
LT Everett by Collins Hill Baptist Church, GA
by Patricia Henderson
by Tony & Fay McMichael
by Patricia Henderson
by Mr & Mrs Paul Smith Sr.

by Mr & Mrs Robbie Morrison by Joyce Franklin
by Mr & Mrs Harold Campbell by Mr. & Mrs. Neil Stephens
by Family Bible Church, PA
Linda Oldenburg by Mr & Mrs Ron Fannin
by Charles Michielsen
by Mary Calvert
by Tracy & Ellen Daniels
by Mr & Mrs Donald Mackay
by Phyllis Copeland
Bill McClure by Adam Kimbel
by Philadelphia Baptist Church,
MO by Kelsey Kelton
by Bible Baptist Church, PA by Katy Mosley
by Bible Baptist Church, PA by Mr & Mrs Kenneth McClure
by Bible Baptist Church, PA
Vivian Ratliff by Henrietta Finch-Caseltine
by Bible Baptist Church, PA by Mr & Mrs James Halbrook Sr
by Patricia Henderson
by Skip & Kathy Lohman
by Faith Baptist Church, TN
by North Fairfield Baptist Church, OH
by First Baptist Church, OK
Roger Blevins by Stephen & Dana Burgess
by Patricia Henderson
by Crooked Creek Baptist Church, GA
by Longwood Ave Baptist Church,
by Mr & Mrs Jon Snyder
by Bible Baptist Church, PA
Junior Parker by Mr & Mrs Roy Lowe
by Bible Baptist Church, PA by Sarena Long
by Faith Baptist Church
by Jacqueline Fuller
by Dennis & Judy Wingfield by Harvest Hill Baptist Church, TX
by Mr & Mrs John H Bunch by Paula Buchanan
by Longwood Ave Baptist Church,
by Jarquina Parker
by Don Hughes
by Suzanne Ives
by Bible Baptist Church, PA by Leathia Williams
by Bible Baptist Church, PA by James Kennard
by Bible Baptist Church, PA by Mr & Mrs Timothy Donohue
by Bible Baptist Church, PA by Barbara Reinard
by Bible Baptist Church, PA by Mr & Mrs Gordon Mount
by Bible Baptist Church, PA by James & Linda Parker
by Bible Baptist Church, PA by Gerald & Kathie Hungerford
by Bible Baptist Church, PA
by Adkisson & Associates
by Lee Godfrey
by DBA Roosevelt Barber Shop
by Richard Whiteheart
by Gary & Barbara Shock
by Eugene Murphy
by Bible Baptist Church, PA
31 by Bible Baptist Church, PA by Mr & Mrs Roland Murphy Jr