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Perhaps you would agree with me that there seems to be much more “craziness” in the world
today than what there used to be. Particularly in the United States of America, we are facing
issues that we have not faced before. If I had been asked years ago if we would be dealing with
some of the ungodly things we are dealing with today, I would have said, “Not in America!”
Now, we are seeing evil not only presented but also promoted as “normal.”
In reality, the world, the flesh, and the devil are just as evil today as they have always been. We
are just seeing it manifested in a more public way. There has not been a change in Satan’s plan
for this world. His desire is for every person to be in spiritual blindness and for every one of
his followers to be a servant of unrighteousness.
So also, there has not been a change in God’s plan for the world. His desire is for every person to
receive the Light of the World and for every one of His followers to be a servant of righteousness.
As servants of Jesus Christ, we have some major responsibilities to fulfill if we are going to
accomplish God’s plan. Considering the present manifestation of evil and satanic opposition,
how can we effectively obey the Great Commission? Is there some new
and exciting tactic we need to implement? Although we always need to
be looking for creative ways to win people to Christ, one thing has never
changed: total consecration is absolutely necessary to reach every nation.
Total consecration is the key to effectively fulfilling God’s will for this
world. The word consecrate means “to induct (a person) into a permanent
office with a religious rite . . . to make or declare sacred . . . to devote
irrevocably to the worship of God . . . to devote to a purpose with or as if
with deep solemnity or dedication . . . to make inviolable or venerable.” 1
To put this definition in my own words, I would say it this way: “God
has given us a permanent position through salvation . . . by declaring us
David H. Snyder righteous and setting us apart . . . that we might be completely devoted to
President/General Director the purpose of fulfilling His will with serious dedication . . . for an entire
lifetime of worshipping God as His devoted and loving disciple.” Other
2 BIMI Number 1, 2024