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By Heather Sutton
As I sit watching my kids in the backyard of
our new house in Nicaragua, I sit with peace
from the Father and a grateful heart. I thought
“How in the world did I actually get here?”
Ten years ago when I met my husband, Dan,
I put it in the back of my mind and hoped he
would never actually go to the mission field
where God was calling him. I hoped and
prayed God would change his path because
I never thought I could do it. It was just
too scary! When we were first married and
working with a church plant in California, I
never knew the plans God would have for us
in order to grow and refine us. Some were
extremely painful and downright hard to go
through. The missionary life in the future
still seemed so far away, I wondered if it
would ever actually happen, and sometimes
hoped it never would!
After we spent seven years of growing in the
ministry and getting tremendous experience,
God started the process of our mission life in
2019. Dan and I headed to Nicaragua for a
survey trip. I was flooded with a huge wave
of emotions. It was there on a beach that
the Lord started to show me His peace that
passes all understanding. I felt like God had
done the impossible in my heart that night,
and I thought I would be fine from that
point. As we started our mission board and
deputation process, I still got scared of the
Daniel & Heather Sutton & family