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W h o W i l l G o To R e a c h
South America’s Largest
Unreached People Group?
By Sean Lunday
Achieving the Impossible with God was our
theme for the 2023 South America Field
Conference. We had a great participation
with more than 80 missionaries from
six South American countries. In South
America, BIMI has
missionaries in all but
one country. During
the conference we were
blessed by the ministry
of Missionary Scott
Crabtree and his wife,
Tricia, coming all the
way from Columbus,
Ohio. Pastor Crabtree planted the LifeSigns
Deaf Baptist Church where he has pastored
for six years.
Though we have missionaries working
with Deaf churches in four South America
countries, the Deaf are still the largest
unreached people group on the continent
with a total population of nearly 20 million.
Less than two percent have been evangelized
and profess faith in Christ. God worked in
a wonderful way and used every message to
minister to us and challenge our hearts to
reach this largely forgotten people group.
However, we have witnessed several of
our missionaries do what is seemingly
impossible! In February, we traveled to
Ecuador where we were blessed by the
ministry of Raymond and Anita Bradley.
Ray is 100 percent deaf and in the last
several years has begun to lose his eyesight.
Almost 40 years ago, Ray went to Peru as a
single missionary where he met and married
Anita who was serving in the Efata Christian
School for the Deaf.
Number 1, 2024
Efata was started by Vernon Miller, BIMI’s
first deaf missionary to reach the Deaf in
South America in 1967. Efata exists to give
Peruvian deaf children language, education,
life skills, and a solid opportunity to know
the Savior. Efata is a distinctively Baptist
Christian school that teaches K–12 children
and is recognized as one of the best schools
for the Deaf in Peru.
The Bradleys moved
from there to Ecua-
dor over 20 years
ago. On our recent
trip to Ecuador, I
was challenged to
see what God can do
with someone totally
surrendered to His will. As Jeremiah the
prophet said, Mine eye affecteth mine heart.
The Bradleys, in spite of their limitations,
have seen God do an amazing work in estab-
lishing multiple churches, a Deaf school, and
an institute for training pastors and workers.
Also participating in
our conference was
the Marie family
who have been
laboring in Bolivia
for 15 years. After
they started the
only Deaf church
in downtown Santa
Cruz, God opened an opportunity to take on
a Bible translation project. Luke is leading a
team of translators who are interpreting the
Bible into sign language by way of a series of
videos. There are many deaf in Bolivia who
cannot read the Spanish Bible. With this