Indigenous Churches
by Bob C. Green
The church-planting pattern set by the early missionaries in the book of Acts of the Apostles is one of establishing indigenous churches wherever they went. An “indigenous church” is one that is self-governing, self-supporting, and self-propagating (reproducing). The Bible (Acts 14:21-28) is replete with principles that if followed will allow for the establishment of churches that can function without the continuing influence and input of foreign entities.
Iglesias Autonomas
by Bob (Roberto) C. Green
Una iglesia autónoma es una iglesia que se gobierna, se sostiene, y se propaga. La información en este libro sirve para guiar al misionero o pastor en el establecimiento de esas iglesias bíblicas, autónomas.
English: This book is a Spanish translation of the English version, “Indigenous Churches”. The word “indigenous” does not convey the same meaning to Hispanic people as the word “autónomas”. Both express the same principles. This is a guide for Hispanic missionaries and pastors which have been led of the Lord to plant and establish new independent Baptist churches.
A Missionary God Gave Wings
by Bob C. Green
This book tells story of how God granted to Bro. Bob Green the desire (Psalm 37:4) that he had had since childhood of being a pilot. Missionary Green never considered himself a missionary pilot, but refers to himself as a “missionary who is a pilot.” Missionary pilots with a number of organizations provide a tremendous transportation service to missionaries serving in very remote areas. The aircraft that Dr. Green flew were a valuable tool and blessing in his “church-planting ministry. He also includes a number of interesting stories provided by other servants of God that use aircraft.
The Basics of Church Planting
by Bob C. Green
Dr. Green and his wife Patsy have served as church-planting missionaries for most of the past 53 years. This book comes from their experiences in planting local autonomous Baptist churches in Latin America and the USA. The book is formatted to be used in a classroom setting and provides a wealth of information that can benefit the church planter.
La Biblia Reina-Valera, JUDAS
Written by Dr. Bruce Lackey
Translator Green, Bob
This little book is a translation/revision, in Spanish, of Dr. Bruce Lackey’s book on Jude. It is very relevant for today’s Christian.
Proverbios Para Toda La Familia
Written by Dr. Bruce Lackey
Translator Green, Bob
La familia es la primera institución instituida por Dios, y es la base de toda la civilización. Las Escrituras, especificamente el libro de Proverbios, sirven de manual guia al hombre y asegura éxito para cada miembro de la familia. Este libro se dirige a los hombres casados y solteros, a las mujeres casadas y solteras y a los padres de familia. El individuo que hace caso a la enseñanza biblica y la pone por obra en su vida, podrá encontrar las bendiciones de Dios y glorificarle a Dios en su familia.
Diez Métodos Para Estudiar La Biblia
by Bob C. Green
Este libro es la traducción del libro escrito por el Dr. Bruce Lackey. Los diez principios bíblicos que él presenta servirán para que el pastor, evangelista o maestro sepa estudiar su Biblia. Todo predicar joven y maestro sacará beneficio por el estudio de este libro.
This book is the translation of Dr. Bruce Lackey’s book on Ten Ways to Study Your Bible. The ten principles that he presents will go a long way toward helping the Bible student learn the disciplines necessary to rightly divide the Word of Truth and understand God’s Word. Every young preacher and teacher will do well to study these principles.
Ten Ways to Study Your Bible
by Bob C. Green
Dr. Bruce Lackey wrote this book after many years of study, of teaching as a professor on the college level, and ministering as a pastor and conference speaker. All preacher, young and old, as well as teachers will benefit from his wisdom and guidance.
El Evangelismo Personal
by Bob C. Green
Este libro presenta los principios bíblicos necesarios para que los creyentes y las Iglesias locales sean obedientes en cuanto alcanzar las personas inconversas para Cristo. El libro bien puede servir como un manual para enseñar como evangelizar o los que viven en nuestro mundo.
This small book presents the biblical principles necessary to be obedient to the Lord in the manner of soul winning. It truly is a manual on how to share the Gospel of Christ. This is a good resource material for the teacher or pastor that trains believers to share share their faith in Christ as soul winners.
What the Bible Teaches About Drinking Wine
by Bob C. Green
This small booklet presents the teaching of the Bible concerning the drinking of alcoholic beverages. It gives biblical definition to the terms used for wine and strong drink and also presents the warnings concerning drinking alcohol and the eternal consequences. All sincere Christians will find confirmation for their wise decision to abstain from alcoholic beverages, including fermented wine.
Lo Que La Biblia Enseña en cuanto a Tomar Vino
by Bob C. Green
Este libro presenta en forma sencilla, convincente, y bíblica la enseñanza en cuanto a tomar vino. Ademas de dar advertencias y definiciones en cuanto al vino, el libro trae la explicación de varias pruebas que confirmen que Cristo no usaba, ni hacia vino alcohólico. Los hijos del Señor que siguen el ejemplo de Él de abstenerse de tomar bebidas alcohólicas, hallará confirmación bíblica de que han tomado la decisión correcta.
LA TEORĺA CRĺTICA DE LA RAZA (TCR): Una Doctrina de Demonios Que Ha Cautivado Las Mentes de Los Americanos
Written by Brown, David
Translator Green, Bob
La Biblia enseña, "¡Y de una sangre ha hecho todo el linaje de los hombres, para que habiten sobre toda la faz de la tierra!" (Hechos 17:26). Hoy, las fuerzas de maldad desean enfrentar las razas, una contra la otra para lograr sus propósitos malignos. Jesús dijo, "Amarás a tu prójimo como a ti mismo" (Mateo 22:39). Sin dar demasiado importancia al color de su piel, sígale al Señor Jesucristo, y reúse creer las mentiras que cuentan los discípulos de La Teoría Crítica de La Raza (TCR). ¡TODAS LAS VIDAS IMPORTAN!