$20 (U.S. Postage included)
Dr. John Halsey, author and conference speaker, is a highly respected expert in the field of twenty-first century world evangelism. In this four-lecture series drawn from 2 Corinthians 8, he effectively shares the biblical concept of grace giving as it relates to the challenge of the Great Commission. His thoughtful exposition of this dynamic passage vividly brings to life the commitment and sacrifice of the Macedonian saints as witnessed in their powerful response to the Apostle Paul's plea for personal involvement. Each message, delivered in his practical down-to-earth style, leads the congregation and individual Christian to examine the extent of their own "faith and practice" in the matter of our obligation to reach our world for Christ.
To John Halsey the principles explained in these messages are not mere theory. During his 23-year pastorate of the Great Hope Baptist Church in Chesapeake, Virginia, this congregation became one of America's most generous missions giving churches. Year after year, the church grew in faith, trusting God to channel His resources through them to send missionaries—many from their own congregation—to a needy world.
His passion for world missions led Dr. Halsey to join Baptist International Missions, Inc., headquartered in Chattanooga, Tennessee, where he has served as both Far North director and as an international representative. He has crisscrossed America and the world, speaking in hundreds of churches and conferences promoting missionary causes. His books and sermons have stirred the hearts of believers in congregations, Bible study groups, mission societies, and personal devotions.
This four-part sermon series was delivered in our church in January 2011. John Halsey has been a frequent guest speaker in our services and has been a dear friend to this pastor. His teaching ministry has had a profound influence on the missions philosophy and commitment of this church. Our prayer is that these messages through the Spirit will provoke a first-century fervor in response to our twenty-first century challenge to spread the Gospel of Christ to the ends of the earth.
Don Forrester
Pastor Emeritus: Faith Baptist Church
President: Virginia Baptist College
Fredericksburg, Virginia
Recommended use of the DVDs: Sunday School series prior to the annual missions conference, or for new members total series runtime: 125 min.
John Halsey
International Representative Emeritus
Dr. John Halsey Halsey pastored Grace Baptist Church in Rich Square, North Carolina, May 1964 to October 1965, and then pastored Great Hope Baptist Church in Chesapeake, Virginia, from 1965 to 1987. During that time, he served for five years on BIMI’s Board of Trustees. John and Dot Halsey joined BIMI in 1988 and Dr. Halsey served as Far North Director and as International Representative. On January 1, 2018, he transitioned from being International Representative to International Representative Emeritus. God used Brother Halsey in a tremendous way to present missions and Faith Promise Giving in hundreds of churches in the United States and around the world.
Dr. Halsey authored five books.
• Physically born February 1, 1932, in Perquimans Co., North Carolina
• Born again August 2, 1954, at Ft. McClellan, Alabama
• Home with the Lord on December 26, 2019
• Married to Dorothy Marsh on August 18, 1952
• Three children and seven grandchildren
• Virginia Bible College (re-named Atlantic Baptist Bible College), Chester, Virginia
• College of the Albemarle in Elizabeth City, North Carolina
• Infantry Officer School in Fort Benning, Georgia.
• Norfolk and Carolina Tel and Tel Company, 1951–1966 (plant foreman)
• North Carolina National Guard, 1949–1965 (resigned as Captain)
• Pastored Grace Baptist Church in Rich Square, North Carolina, May 1964–October 1965
• Pastored Great Hope Baptist Church in Chesapeake, Virginia, 1965–1987 (planted the church in 1962)
• Past Board member of the Old Dominion Association of Church Schools (ODACS)
• Past Moderator of the Virginia Assembly of Independent Baptist Churches (VAIB)
• Past Vice President of the Atlantic Baptist Bible College
• Past Executive Board member of Baptist International Missions, Inc.
• Past Far North Director of Baptist International Missions, Inc.
• International Representative for Baptist International Missions, Inc.
• Transitioned to BIMI International Representative Emeritus, January 1, 2018
• The Local Church
• Faith Promise
• Elijah and Elisha
• Marriage and the Home
• Gospel of Mark
• The Church Mission Conference (Pamphlet)
• Honorary Doctorate of Divinity on August 16, 1983, by Baptist Christian University of Shreveport, Louisiana
• Honorary Doctorate of Divinity on May 28, 1999, by Virginia Baptist College in Fredericksburg, Virginia
• Honorary Doctorate in May 2000 by FaithWay Baptist College in Ajax, Ontario, Canada