List of USA Missionaries

What is BIMI or Reseeding America? Baptist International Missions, Inc. (BIMI), is an independent Baptist mission agency with a well-trained staff of leaders with many years of experience. Reseeding America is the United States division of BIMI.
BIMI is directly responsible to a Board of Trustees made up of local church pastors who are highly respected among their peers. Every decision made by the leaders of BIMI is reviewed by these local church pastors semiannually. In addition, they also set the standards and policies for all BIMI missionaries. That is what makes BIMI a strong, local church-oriented mission agency.
The United States is now the 3rd largest country in the world when it comes to population. A new baby is born every 8 seconds in the United States and every 29 seconds a new international migrant arrives in America. The population of this country at this writing is 328 million people. According to a recent poll conducted by Gallup, 70% of our population now has no meaningful church connection. That percentage represents a mission field of over 230 million people who could be reached with the Gospel here in the United States. The fastest growing belief in America is unbelief, followed by the followers of Islam.
Some still believe that America is really not a mission field because everyone in the United States has had an opportunity to hear the Gospel at least twice. We have not found that belief to be accurate or truthful. There are many regions and places across this land where multitudes of people have never heard the Good News that Jesus saves.
Acts 1:8 the Lord gave the church the scope or boundries of His Great Commission. His command for the church was to go into
Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth. We cannot and must not reach one without the other or one to the exclusion of the other. All four areas mentioned in Acts 1:8 are to be reached by the church and done so simultaneously. The world is a vast mission field, but let us always remember that America is part of that world. Missions is not georgraphy. Missions is people, reaching individuals right where they are.
Some USA church planters think that when they join with a mission agency like BIMI/Reseeding America, they are asking churches to support them for a lifetime. Depending on the type of church planting ministry you pursue, that will not be the case. The Reseeding America program is designed so men can raise support for a three- to five-year period, depending on the need, to plant a new church. Others think that joining a mission agency means a mission board director will take over the church plant or church restart and/or tell them how to conduct their ministries. That is also incorrect. Reseeding America stands ready 24 hours a day to assist the sending church and church planter in avoiding common mistakes
that lead to church plant failure.
• BIMI has a donor base of over 8,000 churches that can be accessed at the touch of your computer and easily contacted while you are raising support.
• Being a BIMI missionary church planter opens churches to you and your ministry because pastors recognize BIMI as a well-established mission agency with quality leadership and with well-screened, qualified missionaries.
• For over 50 years, BIMI has developed a strong relationship with local churches nationwide and these churches are open to BIMI missionaries presenting their ministries and burdens.
• BIMI/Reseeding America has an extensive Candidate School, which includes a church planting course with deputation training and professional help preparing missionary presentations.
• There is an extensive ongoing church planting program in place for all the missionaries of BIMI.
• BIMI/Reseeding America offers start-up assistance and on-the-field assistance from men who have planted churches. The extent of this assistance is offered as needed when requested by the church planter and the sending church.
• BIMI/Reseeding America offers a continual follow-up program to assist the sending church and church planter at different stages of church development and growth.
Contact us at Reseeding America if you are a church getting ready to plant a new church and/or sending out a church planter in the United States, a church planter planning to plant a church in the future, or a church planter who is praying about the possibility of restarting a church. Contact Bob Larson at 423-605-6098 or 423-344-5050 at BIMI.
There are now over 300 metropolitan cities across America. These large, sprawling urban areas are home to 82% of our nation’s population. This means that the great majority of America’s unchurched and unreached live in our large cities. To effectively reach the metro multitudes, it will take thousands of new church plants and thousands of God-called metro church planters with a vision to reach the untapped metropolitan mission fields of the United States. It will also take a major investment by the churches in our movement to assist men who are willing to start and pastor churches in metro America. We realize not all church planters are called to the city, but we are convinced that we must prayerfully pursue this unique mission field that is constantly expanding.
We are praying for 30 new church planting families to go to America’s metro mission field in the next two years with BIMI Reseeding America. God may be calling you to plant a church on the United States metro mission field. If so, contact us at BIMI/Reseeding America Ministry.
We are ready to help you, your pastor, and sending church plant a new church on the metro mission field in the United States. We can increase our missionary force worldwide by increasing our missionary source. Our missionary source has always been New Testament Baptist churches. May God give us thousands of new churches on the United States metro mission field.
Reseeding America Newsletter
Reseeding America Website
Ronnie & Shelby Manuel (#1438)
Kevin & Pam Barthel (#93)
David & Teresa Azzarello (#1535)
Linda McKeever (#663)
David & Annette Townsley (#1417)
John & April McDaniel (#1525)
Jorge E & Anna Grace Noriega (#1140)
Edward & Barbara O'Brien (#433)
Perry & Barbara Gibson (#211)