Baptist International Missions, Inc.

Alan & Donna Brooks

I was saved in April of 1973 at 18 years of age at Calvary Baptist Church in Normal, Illinois. God then led me to Maranatha Baptist Bible College in the fall of 1973. During my college days, I had the privilege of being a Neighborhood Bible Time evangelist for two summers and then working with Evangelist Joe Boyd for another summer. I transferred to Hyles-Anderson College in 1976 where I met my wife, Donna. Donna had grown up in Birmingham, Alabama, and attended Glen Iris Baptist Church where she was one of the first graduates of their school. God led her to Hyles-Anderson College. We both graduated in 1978. Donna then taught grade school at Hammond Baptist while I continued studying for my Masters. In the fall of 1979, God moved us to Central Baptist Church of Hattiesburg, Mississippi, and I became the youth pastor for three years.

In the summer of 1982, I was called to pastor the Bible Baptist Church of Tuscaloosa, Alabama. It was during this time that God gave me a burden for missions around the world. After 12 fruitful years of pastoring, I resigned to go to the mission field. We were accepted as missionaries to Canada with Baptist International Missions, Inc., in 1993. After our deputation was completed, God led us to start the Berean Baptist Church of Winnipeg, Manitoba, and I pastored there for 10 years until turning the pastorate over to a young Canadian man.

In 2004 my wife became quite ill and required coming back to the States. Dr. Robert Meyer, BIMI Southeast Asia Director, contacted me about becoming his assistant. I then started working with our 84 missionaries in Southeast Asia.

God allowed me to raise funds to build an orphanage in India for victims of the tragic tsunami that hit the day after Christmas in 2004. I had the opportunity to lead two construction crews to actually build the building.

It has also been my privilege to raise funds to help build a hospital and to put in fresh water wells in Indonesia. This opened the door for a massive Bible distribution in the largest Muslim country in the world. More than 49,000 Bibles were handed out to public school students. This open door allowed us to repeat the distribution of Bibles in the Solomon Islands. We printed and shipped 28,000 Bibles that were distributed in the summer months of 2011 and 2012 to the high school students.

God opened a door of opportunity in the islands of Fiji. After a chance meeting with the prime minister of Fiji, he requested that we supply 232,000 Bibles for all of the students on the islands. This was a great opportunity!

The government of Papua New Guinea (PNG) contacted me because of the success of the Fiji Bible Project. The PNG Education Department had heard of what we had done in Fiji and requested to meet about the possibility of duplicating the project in PNG. I had no idea of the magnitude this project would involve, but where God leads He provides. Since 2016, we have been able to raise over three million dollars! These funds have allowed us to print and ship 1.1 million Bibles into the country. We have been able to travel to thousands of public, private, and community schools and present the Gospel of Jesus Christ in mass assemblies. Then we were able to personally put into the hands of the students, teachers, and administrators full copies of King James Bibles (Old & New Testaments). God has also allowed me to speak in Parliament to all of the government officials and give each of them a Bible. This project has spawned great unity among the believers and allowed new churches to be started in many areas of the country with many souls saved. For more information on the PNG Bible Distribution, please see

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Southeast Asia Assistant Director

Alan & Donna Brooks

Read more about the Brooks family. He can be contacted through the BIMI office (423) 344-5050.

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