Baptist International Missions, Inc.

Dan & Sandy DeLong

Candidate/Deputation Director

Dan accepted the Lord as his Savior on August 15, 1969, at the age of 17. Upon completion of high school, Dan attended Bob Jones University and graduated with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Secondary Education in May 1975. A few weeks later, Dan married his wife, Sandy, and together they have been serving the Lord in full-time ministry.

Ministry Experience

1975-1994 — Dan served as an assistant pastor and college Dean of Students.

1995-2002 — Dan and Sandy ministered as missionaries in Papua New Guinea (PNG) and Trinidad and Tobago with Baptist International Missions, Inc.

• Papua New Guinea — organized and started three Baptist churches

• All three churches have Bible-believing, trained national pastors and are operating independently. Dan also organized, administrated, taught, and trained nationals at a Bible college and administered two Christian schools during his time in PNG.

• Trinidad and Tobago —organized and started one Baptist church that continues to operate today and is led by a Bible-believing Trinidadian pastor

2002-2005 — The DeLongs returned to the States to work at Gospel Light Baptist Church in Walkertown, North Carolina. Dan also served as Christian school principal and bus leader under Dr. Bobby Roberson.

2006–2012 — Dan and Sandy were reinstated as missionaries with Baptist International Missions. The Lord led Dan to organize and start a Baptist church in the far north tropical city of Cairns, Australia. The church is now self-sufficient and thriving. They have called a Bible-believing, trained Australian man to pastor. In June 2012, the BIMI Board of Trustees voted to appoint Dan DeLong as the Assistant Candidate and Deputation Director.

2013-Currently — January 2013 Dan became the BIMI Candidate and Deputation Director. He also helps manage BIMI Connect Trips to mission fields around the world. Dan's status remains unchanged as a missionary with BIMI. He receives no income other than from the support of churches who share his vision of reaching the lost world through missions.

Candidate and Deputation Director

As Candidate and Deputation Director, Dan desires to . . .

Inspire people to develop a heart for worldwide missions (1 Chronicles 16:23, 24; Psalm 96:3);
Include people in the work of worldwide missions (Isaiah 6:8);
Instruct people who are willing to serve in worldwide missions—work through the deputation process with missionaries and assist them in getting to the field, etc., (2 Timothy 2:2);
Involve people in the cause of worldwide missions through prayer, giving, sending, and going (Acts 13:2, 3; 2 Corinthians 8:1–7); and
Impact people in our Jerusalem, Judaea, Samaria, and the uttermost part of the earth with the Gospel of Jesus Christ (Acts 1:8; Matthew 28:18-20).

If you feel that the Lord is calling you or someone you know into world missions, please feel free to give Dan a call. He will be happy to answer any questions you may have relating to BIMI and/or the mission field.

Publicity Picture for printing

Candidate & Deputation Director

Rev. Dan & Sandra DeLong

Read more about the DeLongs. He may be contacted through the BIMI office at (423) 344-5050.

Phone: (423) 994-0492

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