Baptist International Missions, Inc.

Carl & Glenda Vonnoh

In 1966 I repented of my sins and trusted Christ as my Savior. I was saved while at my home church, Calvary Baptist Church, in Fort Walton Beach, Florida, through the pastoral ministry of Dr. C. H. Thorn.

Glenda (Rasco) from Gadsden, Alabama, and I were married on August 6, 1971. The Lord has blessed us with four wonderful children: Melissa, Joey, Rebekah, and Carla. We have 16 precious grandchildren: Kristen, Kea, Meg, Joseph, Aiden, Alexandria, twin boys William and Zachary, Anson, Ella, Arabella, Thad, Hesed, Haddasah, Liam, and Finley.

Graduated from Choctawhatchee High School, Fort Walton Beach, Florida — 1969
B.A. from Tennessee Temple College, Chattanooga, Tennessee — 1974
MRE from Temple Baptist Theological Seminary, Chattanooga, Tennesse — 1983
Currently pursuing DRE

College Ministry: Bus ministry, Jewish evangelism, youth work, music ministry, and chapel pastor

Full-time Christian Service: (5 years) — Assistant pastor, Christian day school administrator, teacher, and youth pastor

Missionary Service: (41 years) — Church planters in the Philippines and in Hawaii, and Assistant Far East Director for BIMI

Director of CLAIM: (currently) Christian Laymen Assisting International Missionaries (CLAIM)

Through CLAIM, Christian laymen and women from local Baptist churches assist missionaries with the following projects: building programs, medical teams, mechanics, and computer needs. We also have youth ministries that help with VBS, puppetry, tract and Bible distribution, etc. All of these are used as tools for evangelism.

The CLAIM program provides an excellent ministry for laymen to get out of the pew and into Christian service on the mission field. There are project opportunities in the United States and overseas.

Calvary Baptist Church, 529 Clifford Street, Fort Walton Beach, FL 32547. The Pastor is Dr. Mark Stevens

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CLAIM Director

Carl & Glenda Vonnnoh
Read more about the Vonnohs. He can be contacted through the BIMI office: (423) 344-5050.

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