Scot and Katie Daku

Serving in Fiji,
Southeast Asia
Bu!a! We are Scot and Katie Daku, parents of six precious children: Scot Jeffrey, Jenna, Andrew, Benjamin, Emmie and David. Our sending church is Capitol Baptist Church in Dover, Delaware. Pastor T.H. Moore is our encouraging and supportive pastor. Scot is a second-generation missionary, returning to the mission field after entering it as an eight-year-old boy. Scot served in the Samoan Islands beginning in 2005, and was joined by Katie in 2009. In January of 2014, the Lord directed us to continue our ministry by moving to the Fiji Islands. The people are very open to the Gospel. Most people will accept a Gospel tract without hesitation, no matter their religious background. Please pray for us as we endeavor to see God's Work progress in this land of almost 1 million people. This includes church-planting, Bible-College training, soul-winning, discipleship, camp ministry, children's ministry and others. God's desire is that "none will perish, but that all will come to repentance." This includes Fiji, and we are excited to be a part of His work in these islands of the sea.