Baptist International Missions, Inc.

Thomas & Kristin Irvin

Serving in Uganda, Africa

Personal website

Thomas and Kristin Irvin are missionaries to the Ssese Islands of Uganda. The Lord blessed them with an opportunity to serve as his Ambassadors in the Southern Region as well as across the border in neighboring Rwanda. These missionaries are sent out of the Bible Baptist Church in Deland, Florida. Thomas is a graduate of the Deland school of the Bible, where he gained in-depth Bible training and a wide range of ministry experience. Kristin graduated from Piedmont Baptist College with a double major in Missions and General Education. Thomas and Kristin will begin their work in Uganda working with veteran missionary Keith Stensaas.

To learn more about them please visit their website WWW.PLENTEOUSREDEMPTION.COM. There they post current monthly prayer letters, articles for children, deputation travel updates and other Bible-based articles to strengthen and encourage the saints. Please pray for them as they labor in the work whereunto the Lord has called them.


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