Baptist International Missions, Inc.

Larry & Brenda Writesel

Serving in Spain, Europe

As a young teen, Larry rode to church with an elderly lady who lived close and while there he was baptized but no one explained to him salvation. He had no change in his life. Larry fell out of church after high school. While attending a secular college, he met Brenda and they were married in May 1994. Seven years later, church was introduced back into his life.

During a Wednesday evening testimony service, June 18th, 2003, the Lord pricked his heart with this statement “I thought I was saved, but..." He made his way to the alter to accept Christ as his Saviour. Praise God!

It was one month later Larry was called to preach. He attended Bethel Baptist College while still supporting his growing family with a 60-70 hr/wk job. Two years later, during the churches annual mission conference, the Lord impressed on Larry’s heart the call to missions. After much prayer and bible searching as to where to go, God answered. He sent a National from Spain by his church to speak to him about the need in Spain for more churches to be planted. Romans 15:28-31 is the passage God used, but like Gideon, Larry was looking for more. While driving the church bus stopped at a railroad crossing and discussing where to go with his bus captain, the last train car went by with one word on it. From top to bottom, left to right, spray painted the word, SPAIN.

Brenda was a bus kid. She made a profession of faith at the age of 11. In her teen years, church became unimportant and she grew wayward. In adulthood, she worked hard to be a "good person" and felt that church was not for her. She met Larry and they were married in 1994, had 2 children, and she began having thoughts about life after death. While searching for a preschool for her oldest child, Brenda was given a gospel tract that introduced her to Jacksonville Christian Academy. She enrolled her oldest child, Jereme, and through the faithfulness of the director and his teacher she began to attend Bible Baptist Church. It was there, 18 months later, that she realized she was lost. December 15th, 2002, Brenda accepted Christ as her personal Saviour!

Larry and Brenda have 5 children and all 5 have accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. The two oldest, Jereme and Sarah, will be staying stateside while the family is in Spain. Elisabeth, Andrew, and Lilyann are very excited and honored to be called missionaries to Spain.


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