Baptist International Missions, Inc.

Czech Republic - Europe

The Czech people and their leaders have vigorously asserted their new-found independence since the collapse of communism at the end of the 1980s.
They have remained host to Radio Free Europe-Radio Liberty. They have shown that they are ready as ever to support popular causes like they did at the end of 2000 to support journalists pressing for a leadership change at Czech Television.
The Czechs have a rich artistic tradition which produced classical composers such as Dvorak and writers such as Kafka. Tourists flock there to see its architectural treasurers of the past.
The Roma, or gypsies, who number up to about 300,000 suffer disproportionately high levels of poverty, illiteracy, and unemployment.
BIMI sent its first missionaries to this Roman Catholic stronghold in 1997. Others have made application and are presently in deputation to reach these good people for Christ.

Missionaries in Czech Republic:

Europe Director

Ed & Carole Hembree

Read more about the Hembrees. He can be contacted through the BIMI office (423) 344-5050.

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