Baptist International Missions, Inc.

Estonia - Europe

Estonia was on the leading edge of events that brought about the demise of the Soviet Union in 1991. Unfortunately, along with their newly found freedom they also inherited the decadence and immorality of western culture. Years of Soviet occupation have left 60% of the population claiming no religious affiliation. This spiritual vacuum, coupled with religious freedom, makes Estonia a marvelous mission field for independent Baptists.

Prospective missionaries need not worry about "tripping over" other missionaries. We know of only a handful of other independent Baptist missionaries in this country of 1.3 million. We are praying that the Lord will put together a team of church planters who will open up this country to BIMI missionaries. Could God use you in Estonia?

Missionaries in Estonia:

Robert B & Angela Willoughby

Europe Director

Ed & Carole Hembree

Read more about the Hembrees. He can be contacted through the BIMI office (423) 344-5050.

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