Baptist International Missions, Inc.

Scotland - Europe

Known for its bagpipes and tartan kilts, today's Scots are good-natured, hard-working people who somehow have abandoned much of their religious heritage. Many believe in God, but few attend the house of God on Sundays. There may be respect for but little reality of the person and work of Jesus Christ as the living Saviour.

There is a great need for the truth of the Gospel to bring light to Scottish people throughout the land. BIMI is mainly serving today in the Glasgow area. Presently there are others preparing to go to work in church planting and Biblical leadership programs in the churches.

Missionaries in Scotland:

Rick & Sarah Demastus
Dennis & Mary Snelson

Europe Director

Ed & Carole Hembree

Read more about the Hembrees. He can be contacted through the BIMI office (423) 344-5050.

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